I can’t believe that it’s been so long since my last post.
Commenter Lukezab wrote in wondering if progress had stopped. NO, it hasn’t.
Here’s what’s been going on. My last couple posts here have been about Trouble With Robots (http://www.troublewithrobots.com). This has been my primary task for quite some time now. The good news is that it is now finally available on iOS (http://itunes.apple.com/app/trouble-with-robots/id849799076?mt=8) and Android (via Google Play at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.art.twr). If you haven’t tried the game yet, PLEASE give it a play and post some feedback. It’s free to download and try, so you may as well.
As far as WonderSwan goes, I know that progress has been slow. Things move forward, but the pace is like a snail sometimes. Currently, I can flash games to the cart and boot them on a WonderSwan. The problem is that it’s not very user friendly. I have come up with a solution for that, but I need to prototype it (with crazy messes of wires running everywhere) and then do a new prototype PCB run once that’s working.
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