Happy Black Friday and Thanksgiving Week! WS Flash Masta available for PRESALE

I have to type this quick. I’m leaving to go see some family for Thanksgiving. That probably means that I won’t be very available to answer questions, either. To be honest, things have been tough in that regard lately, anyway. I apologize to all of you that have asked about the availability of WS Flash Masta carts lately. I know that some of you have even asked to be put on a waiting list or whatever.

To try to make it up to you, we’re having a Black Friday event. The event is that we’re really trying hard to get these ready to ship by December 15th.

So, thank you all very much for continuing to ask for the WS Flash Masta cartridge. It does mean a lot to us that you like what we’re making and that there is continuing demand for our creations. When we started all of this, I never thought we’d reach so many people.

I should stop typing. My family is loading the van while I sit here and get all nostalgic.


2 comments on “Happy Black Friday and Thanksgiving Week! WS Flash Masta available for PRESALE”

  1. Wu Michel Reply

    Every store has good deals on Black Friday.
    Could you give me a discount?
    I can’t thank you enough!
    I need to buy 15 sheets.

  2. Justin Grimes Reply

    Hi! I’m just curious if you have plans to sell any more of these. I’m very interested in the Flash Masta as well as an IPS-upgraded console, or even the IPS upgrade kit. Thank you so much!

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